TCP-1000 to TCP-1499

1 OZ. $ 7.19

2 OZ. $ 12.98

Shipping options that you’ll need:

1-10  1 ounce Bottles to anywhere in U.S. via priority mail  is $ 11.80 flat rate.

11 -24  1 ounce or 8 to 16  2 oz. bottles, $ 21.50 to anywhere in continental  U.S.

OUTSIDE of U.S. – Varies on country and quantity ordered, please email.


order form- military only






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ARMOR PAINT SETS: $ 42.95 EACH SET; 6 1-ounce bottle each set

10701 OLIVE DRAB & DETAIL COLORS, 1939-1955


10901 FLESH TONES – BRUSHABLE COLORS: $ 44.95 per set.


Armor, Uniforms, Soft Skins, etc. TCP-1400 to TCP-1599 Series


In 2017 Tru-Color Paint started to release a large variety of paints for AVF’s (Armored Fighting Vehicles), military uniforms, trucks (soft skins), jeeps, APC’s (Armored Personnel Carriers), artillery and other land based items. Period covered are for the 1930’s through to the modern era and includes all Olive Drab Colors used by the U.S. Army from 1939 through the Korean War on armor and uniforms, all camouflage colors for the Viet Nam era, the MERDC colors for Europe and all the modern NATO colors. All of these colors are in the TCP-1400 to 1599 series of paints and are designed to be sprayed directly from the bottles with little or no thinning at 28-35 PSI. Flesh tones and uniform colors are designed to be applied with a paint brush.

For those military items painted or manufactured after 1956 Federal Standard colors were matched to 595B or 595C color chips (as appropriate), including uniforms, combat and non-combat vehicles and artillery pieces. Interior colors are also being produced for the modeler. For all other colors, they were matched by experts in their respective fields. This would include all WWII colors for U.S., German and British military ground forces from 1933 through the end of the war.

Ancillary products for detailing the armor and other vehicles plus spraying or hand brushing figures are found in the TCP-400 series (which are designed to be matte finish and sprayable) and in the TCP-800 series (which are designed to dry flat and be applied with a paint brush). Among these colors are several rust and mud variants, ash and colors for dioramas (all in the TCP-400 series), various flesh tones, leather and wood colors for figures, artillery pieces and rifles (all in the TCP-800 series).

Nearly all of the U.S. Army colors for armor will be released by early 2018 (many are already in stock at distributors and hobby shops). All of U.S. Army soft skins, APC’s, Uniforms and armament colors, plus U.S. Marine Corps colors will be released by the end of 2018. Israeli AVF’s and uniform colors from 1948 to modern times) will be released by the end of 2018. German WWII colors will be the next area in development for all AFV’s, Artillery and Figures. This will be followed by British WWII colors for the same model types.

All of the paints in the TCP-1400 to TCP-1599 series are designed to air brushed directly from the bottle with little or no thinning at 28-35 PSI. If thinning is wanted, we recommend that the modeler use TCP-015, Thinner, or TCP-310, Retarder, as they will not affect the intended finish or drying time of the paint. The finish will be what the color chip or experts determines to be correct.

As noted on many forums all Tru-Color Paint colors adhere very well to 3-D printed plastic parts or models produced by Shapeways or other companies and users.

All of the Tru-Color Paint colors manufactured in the above series are available in 1 oz. and 2 oz. size bottles from your favorite hobby shop, online store and from us directly. Many distributors and hobby shops already have supplies of some of these colors.  A complete listing plus an order form is part of this section for your use. If you have any questions regarding these products, or anything else about Tru-Color Paint, please do not hesitate to ask or consult the FAQ section on this website. As with all Tru-Color Paint products the entire military series is manufactured and stocked in Phoenix, AZ.

We look forward to serving the paint needs of the military modeler.



TCP-1400    Olive Drab, #1- 1944-1945, All Theaters

TCP-1401    Olive Drab, #2- 1939-1941, All Theaters

TCP-1402    Olive Drab, #3- 1942-1944, All Theaters

TCP-1403    FS-34079, MERDC- Forest Green

TCP-1404    FS-30118, MERDC- Field Drab

TCP-1405    FS-30277, MERDC- Sand

TCP-1406    FS-37078, MERDC- Black

TCP-1407    FS-34102, MERDC- Dark Green

TCP-1408    FS-30257, MERDC- Earth Yellow

TCP-1409    FS-30117, MERDC- Earth Red

TCP-1410     FS-34094, NATO- Green

TCP-1411     FS-30051, NATO- Military Brown

TCP-1412     FS-37030, NATO- Black

TCP-1413    FS-33531, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)- Desert Sand

TCP-1423    Olive Drab, #4- 1950-1956, Army Only; Korean War

TCP-1427    FS-37038, MERDC- Black (March, 2021)

TCP-1428    FS-37875, MERDC- Insignia White (March, 2021)

TCP-1429    FS-34151, MERDC- Interior Green (March, 2021)

TCP-1430    FS-34102, MERDC- Medium Green (March, 2021)

TCP-1431    FS-33070, Modern O/D, 1968-1983, for AFV’s (April, 2021)


TCP-1414    FS-33446, Tan- Camouflage

TCP-1415    FS-24533, Seafoam Green- Interior

TCP-1421    FS-33445, Deck Tan- Tops Armored Personnel Carriers

TCP-1422    FS-34052, U.S. Marine Corps Green

TCP-1424    FS-34084, Deep Green Camouflage- 1989-2007 Non-Combat Vehicles


TCP-1417    Matte Earth

TCP-1418    FS-30371, Buff

TCP-1419    FS-30266, Desert Yellow

TCP-1420    FS-33448, Desert Dark Yellow

TCP-1425    FS-34088, Dark Green- Modern MP

TCP-1426    FS-30279, Desert Sand


TCP-1416    Gun Metal Gray- Rifles and Howitzers


           ISRAELI ARMY (IDF)


TCP-1436    Olive Drab Green, 1948

TCP-1437    Sand, 1959-1980

TCP-1438    Sand Gray, 1981-1990

TCP-1439    Modern Armor


TCP-1440    Light Green

TCP-1441    Medium Green

TCP-1442    Dark Green




TCP-1445    RAL 7021 Dunkelgrau

TCP-1446    RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb, #1

TCP-1447    RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb, #2

TCP-1448    RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb, #3

TCP-1449    RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb, #4

TCP-1450    RAL 7008 Gray Green

TCP-1451    RAL 6003 Olive Green

TCP-1452    RAL 8017 Rotbrun, #1

TCP-1453    RAL 8017 Rotbrun, #2

TCP-1454    RAL 3049 Red Oxide Primer

TCP-1455    RAL 8000 Yellow Brown

TCP-1456    RAL 7027 Sand

TCP-1457    RAL 7017 Green-Brown



TCP-1460    Worn Canvas 306 (Portland Stone) (February, 2021)

TCP-1461    Crusader Sand 363 (Light Stone) (February, 2021)

TCP-1462    Tommy Gun 345 (Silver-Grey) (February, 2021)

TCP-1463    Grenadier Green 349 (Slate) (February, 2021)

Above armor colors were for the North African Campaign Only



TCP-1500    Light Grey (December, 2021)

TCP-1501    Dark Green (December, 2021)

TCP-1502    Light Green (December, 2021)

TCP-1503    Medium Brown (December, 2021)

TCP-1504    Yellow-Brown (January, 2022)

TCP-1505    Dark Grey (January, 2022)

TCP-1506    Natural Wood (January, 2022)

TCP-1507    Khaki Green (January, 2022)

TCP-1508    Somme Red Mud (February, 2022)

TCP-1509    Champagne Off-White Mud (February, 2022)

TCP-1510    Field Grey (February, 2022)

TCP-1511    Bright Yellow (Hellgelbe) (February, 2022)

TCP-1512    Sand  (March, 2022)

TCP-1513    Red-Brown  (March, 2022)

TCP-1514    Bright Blue (Hellblaŭ) (March, 2022)

TCP-1515    Rust (March, 2022)

TCP-1516    Dark Brown (April, 2022)

All colors in this series have a matte finish


TCP-1517    Warm Sand Yellow (April, 2022)

TCP-1518    French Blue (April, 2022)

TCP-1519    Light Blue-Grey (April, 2022)

TCP-1520    Forest Green (May, 2022)

TCP-1521    Dark Earth (May, 2022)

TCP-1522    Pale Green (May, 2022)

TCP-1523    Deck Tan (May, 2022)

TCP-1524    Buff (June, 2022)

TCP-1525    Dark Iron (June, 2022)

TCP-1526    Reddish-Brown (June, 2022)

TCP-1527    Ochre Brown (June, 2022)

TCP-1528    Clay Brown (July, 2022)

TCP-1529    Dull Green (July, 2022)

All colors in this series have a matte finish


TCP-1530    Steel (July, 2022)

TCP-1531    Brass (July, 2022)

TCP-1532    Gunmetal (August, 2022)

TCP-1533    Black (August, 2022)

All colors in this series have a matte finish



Charles Harris

Used the old SMP AccuPaint years ago….these folks have taken that line and made this SOOOOO much better. This is the best model paint I’ve ever used and I’ve using model paints and an airbrush since 1975! Tried them all, solvent based, acrylics, water based, you name it. This stuff is the very best. Nice job guys!